

A Beginner’s Guide to the End

Please join TNS Host Steve Heilig for a conversation with physician BJ Miller and writer Shoshana Berger about their new collaboration: A Beginners Guide to the End-Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death.


What really matters at the end of life

At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it's simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a hospice and palliative medicine physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients and how we think on death and honor life.

End Game

End Game weaves together three stories of visionary medical providers who practice on the cutting edge of life and death, helping to change the way we think about both.

Redesigning Death

Shoshana Berger, Editorial Director at IDEO, speaking at Slush 2016. Shoshana will go through some of the problems with how we approach living and dying today, how human-centered design can radically change the way we prepare for and experience the end of life. 

6 Things death teaches us about life

“Instead of running from death, can we hold it close and learn from it?” — Shoshana Berger.

Brief But Spectacular - PBS Newshour

Dr. BJ Miller does not work to heal patients, but to ensure quality of life amid advanced or serious illness. Sometimes people suggest his job is depressing, but Miller doesn't see it that way. When people are dying it changes how they live, he says.

End well: Design for the End of Life Experience

Reclaiming The End Of Life As A Human Experience.



Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations: Dr. BJ Miller: How to Die

Dr. Miller shares his revelations about a subject that is often taboo in our culture: the experience of death. He describes the moment after a person's death, and explains why it is both sacred and unknowable. 

Krista Tippett: Reframing Our Relationship to That We Don’t Control

“Let death be what takes us,” Dr. BJ Miller has written, “not a lack of imagination.” He offers a transformative reframing on our imperfect bodies, the ways we move through the world, and all that we don’t control.

Tim Ferriss: The Man Who Studied 1,000 Deaths to Learn How to Live

At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? And how can knowing this help you live better lives now?


Freedom Pact: Why Living a Life Of Regret Is Worse Than Death

In this podcast, we’re going to talk about life and death. We’re going to discuss what really matters in life, what the biggest regrets are that people have at the end, and also how to live a life so you don’t mind when your time comes.

Nobody Told Me: How to Live Life and Face Death

Death is not an easy subject to talk about, but it’s a fact of life. We will all die someday, and between now and then, we’ll have family and friends who will die. So, how can we help those close to us who are facing death and how can we best prepare for our own lives to end?

Everything Happens with Kate Bowler: Loving What Is

After an accident left BJ Miller had to learn how to be patient with his limitations. Now, he works every day to encourage people to be comfortable with limits. Kate and BJ discuss how living with the end in mind actually makes life… richer.


Should This Exist: How to Hack Your Way Out of Aging

Greg Bailey dreams of a world where everybody lives twice as long, and no one dies of an age-related disease. Would natural aging become taboo? Would dying? It’s a technology that prompts us to ask some of the biggest questions of all.

Level Up: GQ Podcast

How to think about your own mortality (without getting depressed) Dr. B. J. Miller on what he’s learned about living from a career in end-of-life care.

GeriPal: Practical Advice for the End of Life

We focus our discussion with BJ on his reasons for writing the book, sexuality and serious illness, and priming people to check the instincts of a medical system that favors aggressive/intensive/invasive care and crappy deaths.



Death. It’s the one thing that is absolutely inevitable in our lives. And yet, it’s the thing we try and escape the most. Until we get ill, or tragedy strikes, and it becomes all too real.

Critical Matters -End of Life Care in the ICU

One in five US residents receives ICU care at the end of life. In this episode of Critical Matters, we discuss different aspects of end of life care in the ICU.


In this episode of Life/Death/Law, Dr. BJ Miller shares insights from his new book, A Beginner's Guide to the End. Written with co-author Shoshana Berger, the book is practical, detailed, surprisingly funny and always completely honest.



BJ Miller, MD, is the kind of person who can make you feel good about death—and, in turn, life. He’s also the kind of person who can coauthor a book called A Beginner’s Guide to the End that makes you smile.

WAMC The Roundtable

Most of us prefer to talk about anything other than death or, at best, talk about it euphemistically. While death is inevitable, only 10-20% of us die without warning and so most of us, if we choose, can prepare for it.

Wisconsin Public Radio

Death is not something many people want to think about, let alone talk about and plan for. But a new book--"A Beginner's Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death"--aims to take the fear out of confronting death. We talk to the authors how to prepare for and talk about the end.



TED speaker and triple amputee Dr. BJ Miller talks about his new book, "A Beginner's Guide to the End," and why millennials are the “sandwich generation” of caregivers.

The Nocturnists

Emily sits down with palliative care doctor BJ Miller and IDEO's Global Editorial Director Shoshana Berger to talk about their new book, "A Beginner's Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death."

How to Human

Prepare to die with Shoshana Berger, by Sam Lamott


How to Human

Being whole with BJ Miller, by Sam Lamott.



One Man’s Quest to Change the Way We Die

How B.J. Miller, a doctor and triple amputee, used his own experience to pioneer a new model of palliative care at a small, quirky hospice in San Francisco.


Death, Redesigned

A legendary design firm IDEO, a corporate executive, and a Buddhist-hospice director of San Francisco’s Zen Hospice Project take on the end of life.


A Better Death

Three decades ago, my grandfather attempted to end his life in the most dignified way possible. What his failure teaches us about our still-broken system of care.


Don’t Tell Me When I’m Going to Die

Prognoses are more of an art than a science. Maybe it’s better not to know. And no matter what we choose, we never really get to know everything.


We Design Our Life. Why Not Design Our Death?

From our need for shelter, we’ve built Fallingwater; from our need to eat, soufflé. What art of living could we occasion out of knowing we must die?


6 Ways to Support a Grieving Teen

They might act like adults, but they’re still kids. A short guide to helping a teenager grappling with loss, from normalizing their feelings to remembering all those firsts.


How to Discuss Death Now to Alleviate Grief Later

A new book designed to prepare people for death in the same way so many books prepare parents for birth hopes to reframe how death is perceived.


How To Take Care Of Yourself While Grieving The Death Of A Loved One

Reflection on the stigmas surrounding heartache and grief, and how we can move through these emotions while honoring our own mental and physical health.


What A Doctor Wishes Patients Knew About The End

In the spirit of palliation, here are a few things, as a physician, I wish I could share more often with patients and their caregivers.


Hospice Physician B.J. Miller: "Life is Not a Fight Against Death"

Hospice and palliative care physician Bruce (B.J.) Miller has made it his mission to help people “live well in the face of death.”


What you — and your loved ones — need to know when facing death

Have you ever wondered how your life will end? Or how you, and your loved ones, will cope with those days and hours as death approaches?

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How to talk to your doctor about difficult medical decisions: Write a letter

Molly Bartlett decided to enjoy the short time she had left. Now she had to get her doctors on the same page. For her, what worked was writing a letter.

An Interview With BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger

The one thing that appears the most in Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus is the importance of coming to terms with our mortality so we’re not defined by it.

How to Confront, Prepare for, and Talk With Loved Ones About Death

After his viral TED Talk, Dr. B.J. Miller shares five things you can do right now.

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How to Bring More Meaning to Dying

Palliative care specialist BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger explain how to bring more meaning and less suffering to the end of life.

How to give a eulogy that truly celebrates the person you’re honoring

Death is a part of life, and so are the funerals and memorial services held to mark an individual’s passing.

Why You Need to Make a 'When I Die' File—Before It's Too Late

The point of all this is to make a difficult thing like dying or loving someone who is dying less difficult.

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How to avoid regret

What a doctor wishes people knew about living, dying well

How to face the end of life? Start now, authors urge

If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, would you still be holding on to those grudges?

30 ways to have a good death

Surprisingly uplifting advice from a doctor who came terrifyingly close to dying himself as a young man

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